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泊头华清工艺绣品有限公司注册资金165万元人民币。公司位于环境优美的河北省泊头市工业区,西临104国道、京沪铁路;东临京沪高速公路,交通便利。公司占地7000余平米。主要以电脑绣花、机绣、手工绣、反底绣、链式绣、喷花等工艺,生产盘垫、靠垫、沙发靠背、各种台布和床单以及头饰等上百种工艺绣品。产品全部出口中东、非洲、东欧等地区,年产值近100万美元。本公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。公司热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!BoTou HuaQing Handicraft Embroider Products Co.,Ltd The 1,650,000 Yuan RMB of registered capital.Company is located in environment gracefulness HeBei Provincial Botou City Industrial area.West faces 104 national highways and the railways of Beijing and Shanghai .East faces the expressway of Beijing and Shanghai, Transportation Convenience.Company covers an area of the flat rice more than 7000 .embroider mainly on computer: All-pure machine is embroidered , is handmade , reverse side and bottom embroider: Chain is embroidered , spraying decoration waits for technology .give birth to a child wheel pad: Cushion for leaning on: Sofa back and various tableclothes With the 100 kinds of last technologies such as bed-sheet as well as first decorations embroider article .Product all export Middle-Easts, Africas and Areases such as the Eastern Europe .Produce per year value to near one million dollars .Our company relies on good credit Fine service and many enterprises have established long-term cooperative relation .Company welcomes the friend of all circles to come to visit sincerely , inspect and Negotiate the Business!


企业名称: 泊头华清工艺绣品有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 河北/沧州 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商